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Words Have Power

By April 16, 2020No Comments

During this very strange time we are living in, and the accompanying much closer proximity we are dealing with within households it is always worth the reminder that words have power.

We have choice in what words we use, to build up, or tear down. We also have the choice in deciding to convey information verbally at all, and not doing so is sometimes the kindness we can offer. Loosing that control, and letting rage fly verbally to tear down, can result in a finding of family violence under the Family Law Act in British Columbia, depending on the circumstances.

Some separated families have conduct orders in place to bind parents from speaking negatively about the other parent in front of the children. These are damaging messages that the child has no power over to stop, and worse, the messages are about a person they love, very dearly.

During this time of social distancing and especially of social isolation, we at Stewart & Springford Lawyers are reminding families to use words that build up, rather than tear down. Our future generations deserve that from their parents to show them that when times are difficult, kindness can prevail.

For those who are partnered with someone who repeatedly chooses to tear down, we are here to help.


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